Folding Knives: A Knife-less Man Is A Lifeless Man! Folding Knives make it possible for the modern man to always be a man with a knife, because: “A knife-less man is a lifeless man!” There have been many times and places when and where that old Viking proverb has been true. Some of us have experienced it and lived to tell the tale. For that, we are grateful. Most knives have specific purposes There are many types of knives, most designed to meet one human need or another and most are not so great at meeting multiple needs. A sword does its intended work well but is pretty much worthless for carving or whittling. A butter knife would not work well for carving either and would fail terribly as a sword! Most fixed blade knives, while great for hunting and skinning are inconvenient for carry in modern urban life and are also a little large for many of the most intricate operations of day to day life. Fixed blade knives Most fixed blade knives, while great for hunting, skinning and s
Saving knifedom from the empire of the dull!