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Showing posts with the label Knife Quality

Knife Quality Decline Results In The Fall Of Western Civilization!

I fully expect to read this headline someday soon: Knife Quality Decline Results In The Fall Of Western Civilization! Okay, I know that’s not true, but it sort of seems like it! Is Knife Quality On The Decline? Knife quality is a big issue for me! I have bemoaned the fact that for a few years now the products that I purchased from my favorite cutlery company have been below the standards of their previous products. I have advanced the idea that this deviation from their previously amazing record for over 100 years is a sign that Western civilization is crumbling. I know, that is a little mellow dramatic, but it almost seems that way. My anecdotal evidence for the declining quality of knives For more than 5 decades I have been able to walk into a feed store or hardware store in almost any rural part of the country, pick out one of the knives in the companies display case, take the one in the box the proprietor gave me, pay for it, stick it in my pocket without more than a cur...